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Stock #: | 82117 |
Category | DC Motors |
HP | 50 |
RPM | 1150 |
Frame | 368AT |
Enclosure | DPFVBB |
Make | General Electric |
Arm Volts | 500 |
Field Volts | 300 |
Field Amps | 4.1/1.0 |
Field Winding | Shunt |
Condition | Electrically O.K. |
Location | OH |
50 HP, 500 Arm Volts, 300 Field Volts, 80 Arm Amps, 4.1/1.0 Field Amps, 1150/3450 RPM, FRAME 368AT, DPFVBB, Manufacturer: General Electric, Shunt, Stock# 82117